Synth zip

A little synth key ring I use on the zipper of my bag

This is not a big thing, I mean quite literally not big, but a nice adornment.

2020 was horrible

I’m sure that I won’t be the only person who writes a summation of 2020 that begins like this. I had hoped for good things in 2020 but there were so many bad things all over the world that it is hard to see the good in any of it.

However, there was good. There was light in the almost constant shadow that has been the defining characteristic of this year. I still find it difficult to see it, to remember those few positives that were tiny specs of hope in an otherwise sea of darkness. But they were there, and in some ways it is more important to think of those.

At the start of the year I had high hopes for 2020, but it was not to be at all. This year I will just take one day at a time and leave it at that. No plans, no aspirations, just getting through one day after another. Just surviving, for now.

Hello 2020

Well here we go again. Another year. Another 1st of January. What shall we do?

Well, I do plan to do a bit more here. 2019 was a bit of a dry patch for me in terms of posting, for lots of reasons. But I hope that 2020 will be a bit better and perhaps more posts, more news etc. I’d also like to revive the site and refresh some of the content in pages etc.

That’s the plan anyway. If you have any views or thoughts, I’m sure you’ll let me know. I shan’t be holding my breath though.

Remember Pullo? No, well he’s still around you know

I’ve mentioned this little twitterbot thing I made before, but I thought I’d post a reminder for it. So, what it is then? Good question, if you didn’t know already then all it is is a little twitterbot /  account about legionary Pullo and his amazing sayings from the TV series Rome. He came out with some absolute classics and I didn’t want them to be lost. Not that they will be, but, if you’re so inclined, you can find the twitter account here and take a look if you want.

It’s right here.