My Podcast of field recordings

If you’ve arrived here from Anchor FM, then welcome! Thanks for dropping by. So you already know that I’ve got a little podcast going now. It’s sitting on Anchor FM, which I’m guessing you’ve found already, but if you haven’t then you can find it by clicking on this link.

There are quite a few episodes on there now, and I’m uploading more on a fairly regular basis. I hope that you like them. Please do let me know what you think, and by all means feel free to share!

Latest Episodes

You can play the latest episodes of the podcast right here.

I find the sound of this very soothing, so I thought I would share it with you.
  1. Sewing machine
  2. Train to Bristol
  3. A noisy bus ride
  4. Noisy rain

If you want to listen to any of the recordings using your favourite podcast service, then I think they’re on pretty much the lot.

If there’s one missing, then let me know. I can’t promise that I’ll be able to get on to any other services, but I can always try.

My field recording podcast

More information about my field recording podcast and the various platforms you can find it on


I haven’t used this app / service in ages now and then I noticed it again yesterday and thought that I should take a look again. It seems that Audioboo has come on quite a way since I last used it and it could be quite a convenient way of making and sharing interesting recordings.…