Getting ready to fix up an old iBook G4

Memory module for an iBook G4
Memory module for an iBook G4

I plan to use the old iBook to run older software and maybe even an old emulator or two as well. I’ve upgraded the RAM to 1.25GB now and it’s pretty good.

Palm OS virtual machines

You probably know by now that I’m a bit obsessed by the old Palm OS and PDAs in general. 

One of the best emulators for Palm OS is PHEM. It runs on Android. PHEM works by using Palm OS ROMs. You can load as many ROMs as you want and then from those ROMs create as many sessions or virtual machines as you want. 

This is pretty impressive. I’m just getting back to this and will be creating a variety of little machines soon. 

Emulating things


Today it’s time to get a few more things sorted out for the StyleTap emulator on Windows Mobile. I think that one day this device might actually be quite useful if everything goes to plan.

Mac OS 7 on Android

I finally found the files I needed to get this emulator running on my somewhat underpowered Android phone. Guess what, it works really well. So far I’ve only managed to get a few things working, but so far so good. It may even be useful, especially as I have a hypercard player app too.