The best news for a Friday, there is more Space 1999 coming

I got an email today from Big Finish saying that there is going to be a new set of Space 1999 stories coming in May this year. Which is excellent news. I have really enjoyed the previous Space 1999 stories they made. I was a big fan of the original series and I’ve watched it many times over.

When it came back to audio with Big Finish I was so pleased that there would be new stories, and they’ve been really good too. My only complaint is that there haven’t been enough stories for my liking. At least there’s more coming and not too long to wait.


As you might know if you’ve been to this site before, I do like Doctor Who. Although that is probably a bit of an understatement. I’m a huge fan of the output of Big Finish.

This set of stories was very appealing for a variety of reasons, not least of which was the cast, with David Troughton reprising his role from the original third doctor story, which is excellent. There are two Doctors and plenty of other great actors too.

In terms of story it is excellent. I won’t spoil it for you, just in case you do buy it. However, what I can tell you is that this set of stories was one of the most interesting I’ve heard from Big Finish in a while, and I like the stuff that they produce a lot. The story unfolds over decades, and has political and social dimensions in keeping with the original Peladon stories, which made a good deal of reference at the time to the political happenings in the UK. I’m glad that they echoed that in this collection.

I won’t say more about the story, just in case you decide to listen to it. If you do, it’s good, it’s really good.

A Psalm for the wild built

A Psalm for the Wild Built by Becky Chambers

I read the Wayfarer series by Becky Chambers and thoroughly enjoyed each of the novels. They were so different from other Science Fiction that I have read. I felt like it was a shame that she brought that series to a close, but of course that’s the way with series, and I expect I will read them again at some point, although I seem to give the books away to people who I think will enjoy them.

When I found that she had a new book and series coming out I was keen to read it, and this, the first of the new ‘A Monk and Robot Book’ series, is completely excellent. A short book, but a very profound read. Without giving anything away I would say that anyone who has enjoyed the Wayfarer series of books would enjoy this book.

The second in the series is now out and I’m looking forward to reading that soon.

UFO is back

I have been a fan of UFO for a long time now. In fact I like most of the work of Anderson Entertainment. Now, Big Finish have brought UFO back in a new series, and it is really good. I decided to get it without hearing it first, and it was well worth it.

I won’t go into details about the story as you might just be thinking about getting it yourself, but it is good. Really good. I’m looking forward to the next stories.

UFO Destruct Positive

The Eugenics Wars

I am a big Star Trek fan. I have been since I was a child. I have watched every episode and film and read quite a few books too. One of the best films, arguably is ‘The Wrath of Khan”. A great story that came out of the original story from the original TV series. But one question that always remained was, what were the Eugenics Wars?

I knew that there were books about these, but I always wanted read and never got around to it. So recently I decided to get these on audio books.

Overall they were alright. Not amazing, but alright. But I have to say that I was a little disappointed. I won’t go into why just in case you’re going to read or listen to these stories.

It fills a gap in the story line, but overall it is a bit of a disappointment. Not that it will stop me from watching, reading, or listening to more Star Trek. I doubt anything would

Jon Hassell: Atmospherics

It has taken me a while to read this book. Not that it is a big book at all, the opposite in fact, but the content is dense. Dense but just so interesting and insightful. It has been a pleasure to read this. I have enjoyed the work of Jon Hassell for many years, even when I had no idea it it was him.

Jon Hassell Atmospherics Book

If you are aware of Jon Hassell and his music, then I would recommend this book. It is a great insight into the thinking and process of the artist.

Shriekback, the lyrics

I have enjoyed the music of Shriekback since I first heard ‘My Spine is the Bassline’. I think it was on John Peel’s radio show. Which tells you how long ago that was. I have mostly kept up with their music and also backed the last couple of their crowdfunded albums.

When I found that they were releasing a book of their lyrics I knew that would be something I would enjoy, and I was right. When I got it I have to admit that I was a little disappointed as the lyrics for my favourite songs weren’t included. But never mind, I’ve enjoyed it nevertheless.

It’s not just the lyrics though, it’s the stories behind the lyrics that make it really interesting. Overall I would say that this is a great book for anyone who has enjoyed their music. I’ve certainly enjoyed reading it.

The Southern Reach Trilogy

My interest in this book / trilogy began when I saw the film ‘Annihilation’ on Netflix. I thought it was an interesting story and I wanted to read the book, if there was one. Little did I know that the ‘book’ was in fact a trilogy called the Southern Reach. I decided to read it. In part because I found the film version fascinating, and in part because I love a good trilogy.

At this point it is only prudent to point out that if you haven’t seen the film or read the books you might not want to read any further. I don’t want to give anything away, or at least that’s not my intention, but you never know.

I really enjoyed the film. I had no expectations of it at all and no idea what the story was about, but after watching it I realised that it had some very interesting concepts. Hence wanting to read the book(s). Of course, as with any movie made from a book as the original source material, the book is often better, or at least adds a great deal of context. Even more so with the South Reach Trilogy. In fact, the books add so much that they make a lot of the story make sense. Having said that, in the trilogy, the story is complicated, or rather the core concept is complicated, or perhaps a better word is dense, or even impenetrable.

I think that I enjoyed reading the books. In a way they shed no real light on the film, and the film sheds no light on the books. The books to add a lot of context though. I enjoyed both. With both I am wondering what happens next. Perhaps that in itself is a good thing. Perhaps that in a sense, is the point.

Brian Patten, Selected Poems

I bought this collection late last year after reading ‘Vanishing Trick’ again after decades. I enjoyed it so much I had to have more of his work, and I wonder why I haven’t read this sooner. His work is incredible, insightful, poignant and beautiful. Some of these poems just bring me up short, like they were written entirely to speak to me in the very moment that I find myself reading them. They are incredible.

In some ways I just want to read it all over again, but I should probably wait. Instead I might just buy more of his books and satisfy myself with those.

If you don’t know his work, change that.

Survivors: New Dawn 1

Firstly, I have to say that is great that Survivors is back. I am really pleased that Big Finish decided to revive the series. I thoroughly enjoyed the nine box sets that they produced over the years, and, even if they had finished there it would have been excellent. I think I’ve listened to them about three times so far. I expect I will feel the urge to listen to them all again at some point.

New Dawn is exactly what it says it is. A new start for the Survivors series and set some years after the last set of stories. More than that I won’t say, as I wouldn’t want to spoil it for you if you do plan to listen to it.

Without giving anything away, what I can say is that the production values on this set of stories are just as good as all the previous ones, and the same with the performances. I am looking forward to hearing New Dawn 2 in a couple of months.

Here’s to more Survivors.